
It is indeed hard to say farewell to the city where i have stayed for the past 8 years.

I still remember how hard it was to leave Jakarta for Singapore when i was 16. Cried in my old apartment for 2 weeks, and thinking if it was a wrong move to shift to Singapore. No relatives, staying with strangers, took the wrong bus, always eating chicken rice because i dont know what else to eat, spoke limited english, didnt know chinese at all, culture shock. So on and so on.. Thankfully one of my best friend was there.. Eventhough she was quite busy with her own school. At least i know someone pretty well, someone that i can always turn to. 

I think It is really true that the place we go doesnt really matter, it is the companion that really matters. After 3-4 months staying in singapore, i met Alex at school, a guy who introduced me to a great community called ‘The Last Generation’ that turned into more than just a community, but a loving family. 

My days suddenly turned better. No more gloomy days. Each day was a fun, exciting and fullfiling ones. i can still remember a time when we can play boardgames called ‘Citadel’ one of SMU’s cafe till late night, finding the best laksa in town, staying over-night at Changi Airport (i cant remember why we did this tho. Haha), learnt how to play roller blade at East Coast Park, staying late at McDonalds just to talk our hearts out, looking out for dresses because we had numerous weddings at short period of time, jumped from 5th floor and did flying fox at Sentosa. Really, there’s just so many good and great times spent with this little family. 

I thank God that i really have a healthy community who supports me in ups and downs. A community that helps me to grow deeper in a Christ and to learn to embrace each other just the way they are. 

A place where i can explore the talents that God has given to me. A place where i can understand and practice that to give is much better than to receive. A place where i got the chance to fell in love. A place that i can call ‘home’ where im far from home. 

When i think about it again, maybe it’s not so hard to leave the city. It’s hard to leave the people inside it. Eventhough i can always come back, it does feel different. I could not just call and meet them up in 20 minutes time. It feels like something is missing. 

Guess ill see you again TLG.. Hope you are doing fine over there.. May God’s blessings, favour and wisdom be upon you all. I woff you all! *hugsandkisses

16 thoughts on “#EdisiKangenTLG

  1. ah jen! jadi sedih! ga ada yang tiba-tiba, “cup cup cup aku mau tanya deh!” atau ga yang nemplok di pangkuan! sekarang sih udah ga bisa jen secara ada si Gide! hohoho .. again, enjoy your new season, jen!!! SUPERHUG!!


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